Winchester Model 94, SN 938297, was made in 1923. DC
Will need a serial number from the rifle to determine the age.
what is the year of winchester mod 94 sn 3295692
94 winchester 30\30 3503591
It was made in 1966. Have a dealer look at it to determine value.
Your Winchester Model 94 was manufactured in 1959........
It was made in 1916, in order to determine you need to know what style/variation that it is.
Your Winchester model 1894 was made by Winchester in 1940.
your winchester model 1894 was made by winchester in 1979.
The only way to determine the age of your Winchester model 1894 rifle is by the serial number.If you would post that serial number in a question I would be able to date your Winchester to the year produced by Winchester.
The age can only be determined by the serial number. The value is a function of the graded condition and the factory originality. A visual inspection and evaluation is required determine the condition and originality.