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Take apart / reverse to Assemble. view pictures 1-12

Remove the bolt from the rifle. It will be cocked. Ease the cocking pin back and down.

I use the edge of my desk on the pin. This will help to take the bolt bolt apart.


1: released the cock by pressing down and over.

2: Bolt in fired mode note the firing pin fired

3:Back off the nut coin works as will

4:Note threads and tube has slot to retain cock pin

5:with the nut tube removed the cock pin can be removed

6:firing pin assembly will drop out with a light down tap

7: remove the cross pin to remove the lock head assembly

8:Note the hole in the cross pin is aligned for the firing pin to hold the pin in place.

on assembly take care to center the hole so the firing pin does not bind.

9:Note the ware marks on the bolt lock head assembly [ or mark with a felt pen]

10:, 11, pictures may help you remember where the parts go.

12: note the slot for the cock pin retainer.

Take care while cleaning use only a light oil to lube. I use a synthetic spay light amsoil MP. In fact I soak a patch and rub it on.

Remember nothing needs to be forced ... except the cock pin before you return the bolt to the rifle.

Don't take the firing pin assembly apart [factory Quote] leave that to a Gunsmith if you have to.

My cross pin broke so I replace it and the firing pin. It took several adjustments to get the correct spring tension and correct pin hit.

Good luck. Reverse the procedure [sort of] to re-assemble. Oops tell me how to send the picture ????? How can I get them to you's


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Q: How do you assemble a savage 110 rifle bolt?
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Contact the maker of the rifle (likely Savage Arms) or Boyd's gun stocks.

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Follow the instructions in the owner's manual. Contact Savage for one if you don't have one. i have a savage model 111e 30-06, on mine you hole the trigger in while sliding the bolt back, you can also try the webpage, those guys are very helpful.

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You will have to call Savage

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