You can't. Federal law prohibits felons from purchasing, possessing, or being granted access to firearms.
Yes, they can get a FOID card, but it is not legal for them to own or carry a gun.
There is no law requiring registration of ordinary firearms in Illinois. The possessor must have a State Firearm Owner's ID Card.
If a person lives in Little Rock, Arkansas and has a valid FOID (Firearms Operational Identification) in Illinois, the FOID card cannot be used to hunt in Arkansas. A person will have to get a new FOID for the state of Arkansas to use it in Arkansas.
Are you referring to the Illinois FOID- Firearms Owner Identification Card? For Illinois residents, it permits them to purchase any firearm legal in the State of Illinois, with the exception of residents of Cook County, which has more restrictive laws in place.
You would need to specify what "firearms licence" you had in mind, as well as the location you were referring to. In most of the US, no such licence is needed, save for Illinois, which requires you to have a Firearm Owners Identification Card (FOID).
Yes, unless it was a felony. If the DUI did not cause an accident, it's not even a misdemeanor. A felony DUI would mean you killed someone while drunk driving, and they charged you with a felony. Get a FOID application, and read it. I had a Florida DUI, and I have a FOID card.
If the jail or court house is setup to accept debit cards then bail can be paid with one. It is an acceptable form of payment but the accepting party has to have a way to accept the card as payment.
In Connecticut, possessing an unregistered firearm is typically considered a felony offense. Under state law, individuals are required to register certain firearms, and failure to comply with this requirement can result in serious legal consequences. It's important to adhere to all firearm regulations to avoid legal trouble.
the democrats and republicans o my bad comunist In the U.S. you do not need a permit to purchase a pistol, except in Illinois, you must have a Firearms Ownser ID card.
The term is now theft. In some circumstances it may be a felony. Generally a retail theft with a value of greater than $150 is a felony and other thefts with a value over $300 is a felony. For further information see the related links below.
I doubt it. They do fingerprints and the felony will come up.