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you do a gobal mishin

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Q: How can you get a rusted great sword in MH3?
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What is the best sword in monster hunter 3?

There really isn't a best sword in mh3. It all depends on what you want it to do. I suggest making a set of sword and shields, 1 with each element. Equip each one depending on your targets weakness. E.g. Qurepeco has an ice element weakness.

How do you get king's frill on MH3?

kill the king

How do you get ancient shard in mh3?

mine in expert volcano quests

What is the molecular shape of MH3?

The molecular shape of MH3 is trigonal pyramidal. This shape occurs when a central atom (M) is bonded to three other atoms (H) and has one lone pair of electrons.

What is the best Great sword in MHFU?

King Atillart Sword

Where to get ice crystals on mh3?

In the sandy plains area 6 I think.

How do you get the Strongest sword in Legend of Zelda Majora's Mask?

You can get the Great Fairy Sword by finding all the Stray Fairies in the Stone Tower Temple, then the Great Fairy will give you the Great Fairy Sword.

Using the word hilt in a sentence?

The blade of the sword had rusted away over the years but the jewel encrusted golden hilt still looked as good as new.

How do you get a double BBQ split in mh3?

Rare trade with the trader in the village offline

How many oxygen atoms are in Ammonia MH3?

There are no oxygen atoms in ammonia. Ammonia has the chemical formula NH3, which means it contains one nitrogen atom and three hydrogen atoms.

Is there a monster hunter 3 on the ps3?

i regret to say but MH3 is only released on the Wii

What is an example sentence for encrusted?

The rusted sword's handle was encrusted with jewels.