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You can't. If you are in law enforcement, you can trace the sn to find out when it was made and sold to the first time. After that, good luck.

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Q: How can you find out who owns a certain firearm?
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The County Clerk and Recorder can be of assistance.

Can a convicted felon that owns a boat have a flare gun?

yes. A flare gun is not considered a firearm. Do not attempt to change one into a firearm.

In Florida can a convicted felon be around someone who owns a firearm?

In Florida, a convicted felon can be around someone who owns a firearm as long as they do not possess or control the firearm. However, it is important that the laws regarding felons and firearms vary by state, so it is essential to check local laws and guidelines.

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You can find out who owns a certain cell phone number for free by going to white pages and doing a reverse number lookup. It is free to do it on whitepages. But there are a lot of websites that charge a fee but they are more than likely scams.

How do you find out who owns 38 caliber burgo pistol?

The Burgo brand was made by Karl Burgsmuller of Kreiensen, West Germany. Imporation of them into the US stopped in 1968. In general, they are a low cost firearm of indifferent quality. If you have found one, and are attempting to locate the owner, in MOST of the US, there is no central registry of who owns what firearm (despite popular belief). Law enforcement may have a report of a stolen or missing firearm, and THEY have access to computer database that a private citizen does not have- contact them.

Is murder using a firearm a federal crime?

In general no, but there are certain situations where murder (with or without a firearm) becomes a federal crime.

Can a felon live in the home with someone that owns a firearm in Michigan?

You will need to consult with a lawyer for a current, correct and legal answer.

How can you find the history behind a firearm?

Contact the maker, read all the books you can find, provide a detailed description of the firearm.

How do you find who owns certain house in Toronto Ontario Canada?

Try checking the property at the local land records office or the tax assessors office.

What rights do you lose if convicted of a firearm felony?

Your right to vote, to possess a firearm, and to work in certain occupations. Also your freedom, and the ability to visit some nations.

Where to find gun serial numbers?

you will find it on the barrel or action of the firearm

How do I find out the mfg firearm with no markings?

It is rare to find a modern firearm (last 50 years or so) that has NO markings at all. It is possible that those markings may have been removed from a modern firearm. Without some additional information, such as the type of firearm, we do not have enough information to offer a real answer.