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Gunpowder creates it's own oxygen as it burns, so out side air source is not necessary. a bullet would go off in the vacuum of space as well.

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Q: How can gunpowder ingnite in a bullet?
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What is a bullet casing?

When you shoot a bullet the bullet casing pos out through the ejector and that is where the bullet is and gunpowder to fire it.

Is a BB projectile classified as a bullet?

No, A bullet requires gunpowder. A bb is a projectile

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The powder container for a bullet?

A cartridge case holds the gunpowder.

How do you make bullets in alchemy?

gunpowder+ metal= bullet pow and metal + bullet= gun pow pow

How do you male a bullet on little alchemy?

gunpowder+metal to make gunpowder: fire+dust to make dust: earth+air

How do you make a bullet in little alchemy?

Easy! gunpowder+metal.. Hope this helps :D (im sure it does)

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weight of bullet, amount and type of gunpowder.

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Metal and Bullet...More info: Metal: fire & stone Bullet: Gunpowder & Metal

How much gunpowder is in a 9mm bullet?

Technically speaking- none. A bullet is the solid metal part of a cartridge that is fired out of the barrel. How much gunpowder is in a 9mm Parabellum CARTRIDGE will depend on the powder used and the bullet weight. I reload with 4.6 grains of Bullseye powder with a 115 gr bullet, but there are dozens of other loads.

What is the burning material that creates pressure to force the bullet out of a barrel?

Gunpowder, also known as black powder or smokeless powder, is the burning material that creates pressure to force the bullet out of a barrel. When ignited, the gunpowder rapidly generates high-pressure gas, propelling the bullet forward.

What would happen if you boiled a bullet?

It would melt. If there was gunpowder on it, then it would explode.