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Cannon balls would not blow up. The newspaper must have gotten something wrong - maybe they meant to say a mine blew up. Cannon balls are solid metal - they do damage when the cannon blows them out at high speed like a bullet. Cannon balls can explode, during the civil war era cannon balls were in use that were just a hallow shell of metal and had gun powder and pieces of metal on the inside an di fuse was placed in the cannon ball and when fired the fuse would ignite and then would burn the fuse and ignite the gun powder inside the cannon ball. There were also some cannon balls that would explode on impact using friction strips on the inside that would create a spark and ignite the gun powder on the inside. So yes cannon balls can explode, the type of cannon ball the person above me is referring to is called solid shot, there are a lot other types out there like cannister, and grape shot, and connical shaped rounds and even hexagonal shaped rounds just to name a few, but yes cannon balls can explode

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Q: How are cannon balls made you read in the paper that a man was killed when an old cannon ball blew up?
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What is the size of a cannon ball?

the size of the cannon ball depends on the size of the cannon. civil war cannons had cannon balls about the size of a child's head, aprox 30cm across

Why dont cannon balls explode when shot out OF CANNON?

Cannon balls are made of iron, which is a high-stress material. A high-stress material resists breaking. Because the cannon has an open end, and the iron ball resists being torn apart, the cannon ball is shot out instead.

How big are cannon balls?

Depending on the CANNON model it may vary.

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It is a machine that automatically shoots tennis balls at you to practice hitting.

How much is a 4 lb cannon ball worth?

Depends upon: * what country the cannon balls are from, * if they are attached to any battle of significance, * what type of cannon they were shot from, * what year they are from

How fast was a civil war cannon ball?

A cannon ball traveled at speeds up to and or exceeding 100 miles per hour this depended on how well the cannon was packed how much powder was charged and the degree the cannon barrel was angled many soldiers packed two balls connected by a large chain this increased the effectiveness of the cannon others where loaded with many smaller balls like buckshot in a shotgun.

A 10-kg cannon ball and a 7-kg bowling ball were dropped at the same time from the top of a building with negligible air resistance At the instant before the balls hit the sidewalk the cannon ball?

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A cricket ball weighs between 156 and 163 grams or about six or seven ounces. Most cannonballs weigh several pounds. Some cannon fire 20 to 30 pound balls.

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How did tad Lincoln use his toy cannon?

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