No they do not. When eBay stopped the sale of firearms and accessories in 1999, Steve Urvan started to fill that niche.
ebay, gunbroker, Brownells, Midwest gun works - all on line
Gunbroker is an online site that allows one to buy or sell a gun similar to how one could sell an item on Ebay. This offers a consumer or buyer a larger purchasing option than a typical brick and mortar store would.
keep trying ebay,gunbroker,an Try these sources: Numrich Jack First Bob's Gun Shop
Ebay is originally American but has a site for many countries such as eBay UK, and eBay italia. All these have there own address.
Yes. Ebay Owns Skype and Paypal
Colt grips can be purchase from eBay and they are found under Accessories. GunBroker is also a good website for purchasing good Colt grips. For vintage gun grips, one can try VintageGunGrips.
There are many different models of 12 gauge shotguns for sale at online retailers like Amazon and GunBroker. One can also check online at eBay for 12 gauge shotguns which are for sale or trade.
Try Numrich or Gun parts corp. If you're real lucky you might find it on Ebay or Gunbroker. Local gun shows sometimes have odd parts vendors also.
No. But u can create a similar company:)