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Last I knew David Allan Coe still has his confederate flag gutair.

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Q: Does david still have the guitar with the confederate flag on it?
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Related questions

Who sells the synyster gates confederate flag guitar?

DCGL has one from the custom shop for sale.

Is synyster gates from the south What is with the confederate flag?

I think it's meaningless. He doesn't use it any more, but most likely it was because Dimebag Darrell, one of Syn's biggest influences had a confederate flag guitar. I will admit, the paintjob on that guitar is really well done, and it it weren't for the hateful past of slavery and bigotry that the flag represents, it would be a pretty cool guitar to have.

Why do southern states still have a confederate flag?

culture and heritage

Why does the Mississippi state flag still have a symbol of confederate flag on it?

That is an excellent question. As of yet, no truly satisfactory answer has been offered for it.

Why are blacks offended by the confederate flag?

The Confederate flag is still a symbol of southern pride. The south was for slavery so it is considered to be a racist flag. The KKK took the flag and made it there own and abused there power.

What is the confederate flag?

The rebel flag the flag of the south.

What is the flag of confederate?

The rebel flag the flag of the south.

What did the confederate states flag look like?

go to and type confederate flag

Why do some states still have the confederate flag?

Some states have incorporated the Confederate Battle Flag into their state flags as a mark of their heritage. At this point I think the secret reason they still have it is because they find it so much fun to watch people get their panties in a twist about it.

How many stars does the confederate flag have?

The first official Confederate flag only contained seven stars. These seven stars represented the seven original Confederate States. In 1863, the second Confederate flag contained thirteen stars. These stars represented the seven original States plus the six States that seceded. Two of these six were unsuccessful but were still included.

Do you capitalize flag in Confederate Flag?


Is banning the rebel flag going against the first amendment?

Yes, the federal government cannot pass a law that infringes upon a person's right to free speech -- and displaying the confederate flag is a form of free speech. However, a government CAN remove images of the confederate flag from government property (i.e., redesigning state flags that include the stars and bars, etc.) Since the confederate flag has racist connotations, it would not be unreasonable for states to remove the confederate flag from statehouses and other government property. Private citizens could still fly the confederate flag exactly the same way that they are still allowed to display swastikas without government interference.