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No. The AK47/AKM use the 7.62x39 M1943 cartridge. The ammo used by the AK74 is 5.45x39.5.

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Q: Does an ak47 and an ak74 us the same ammo?
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Is the government taking our ammo from us?

No, the United States government is not taking ammo from the citizens. Ammo can be bought as long as the person is 18 or older at any retailer that has ammo.

What is the value of an AK-47 in the US?

A transferable AK47 would be in the 10-25K range.

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Yes, & it still is as long as your local laws allow it.

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What kind of weapons are being used by US in Iraq?

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Does the US military use AK-47s?

The AK47 (or AK74) is not a standard issue weapon to the US military. They may rarely be used for training, demonstrations, or possibly some covert operations.It should be noted that the Maadi Misr (Egyptian AKM variant, designed for compatibility with NATO standard sights) is listed in the United States Marine Corps inventory, though.they would use enemy weapons if they run out of ammo, they would be used in undercover missions. a great example is delta force dressed as al-quida terrorists to get to osama bin laden shortly after 9/11. They took some Ak-47's with them on the undercover mission so that way they can be thought of as terrorsists when in reality they were assassins. it would also make the kill untracable because they would assume that osama was killed by a traitor because they looked like al-quida & used their weapons.

Is us surplus m1 carbine ammo corrosive?

No Ammunition made in the US for the M-1 carbine was never corrosive, since the gas piston is NOT meant to be disassembled by the user- which corrosive ammo would require. Some Chinese ammo was made in M-1 carbine with fake headstamps that was VERY corrosive.

What is the best Airsoft gun to pick M16 or AK47?

They're BOTH historical weapons, first clashing against each other in the Vietnam War (the world was introduced to them during this war) If the operations are the same, then the person simply picks one based upon his likes. For the same reason one chooses a car, which one does he like the looks of? For historical purposes, the M16 was originally fielded by US forces in Vietnam as strictly a "jungle rifle", while the rest of the US forces world wide retained the use of the standard US Rifle, M14. The Communist AK47 was fielded as a general purpose weapon for use in Europe & Eurasia.

Where can you find 38 sp ammo in TMJ?

Most gun shops can order it for you if they do not have in stock, but there has been a shortage of much ammo over the past 18 months in the US.

What US made ammo will safely fire in a 7.62x54R Russian mosin m9130?
