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Yes, you can find a wide variety of readily available 9mm hollow point bullets and ammunition.

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Q: Do they make hollow point bullets for a Glock 17?
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How bullet causes injury?

The short answer is, it creates a hole in whatever it hits. Some bullets (hollow points) will generally expand and become jagged and make bigger holes than non-hollow points.

When were bullets invented?

No colt did not invent bullets.! It is really a broad question. Some would say that a french enginer named Minnie Invented modern bullets. He made the Minni ball that was widely used by both side in the American Civil War. The reason that these bullets where special is that they where easy to load into a rifled musket, yet would plump up during the fireing to make contact with the rifling enabling great accuracy and speedy reloading. It was this bullet that cause so much carnige during that war. The problem was when smokeless powder was invented the velocities increased to the point where the plain old lead bullets would leave lead in the barrels. Then during the late 19th century Paul Mauser found a way to stop this. He gilded his lead bullets in a copper jacket to protect them. Thus great accuracy and less mess was made. This bullet is the ansestor to the ones today used by hunters, Military and sport shooter. This paved the way for other kinds such as the hollow point, the Ballistic tip, and the Boat tailed match bullets. In a hollow point a lead bullet is covered with copper everywhere except for a hollow depression in the nose. These bullets pentrate less than a full metal jacket bullet and expand to a greator than bore diaminter size. Most police use Hollow point bullets not to kill someone better, but rather so that the shots they do fire will not be as likely to go through the bad guy and into an innocent person. before the NYPD switched from FMJ to hollow points they where shooting an average or seventeen people a year from pass though shots. So hollow points are a much safer bullet to use. There are many differant brand and makes, but today the technoligy of bullets has come so far that most on the market are of great quality.

How do you make a paper glock 17?

Its pretty hard to explain it right here. How about you should check a tutorial of how to make a paper glock 17 step by step. Later I'll try to make a youtube video of how to make a paper glock 17. I can explain it better than any other person can.

Why are plastic PVC and fiberglass window frames hollow?

Because they are easier to make and adequately strong. There is no point making them solid.

In what year did the Glock make it's first appearance?

The Glock 17 was first manufactured in 1982 for the Austrian military and police as the P80 (Pistole 80).

Is there a conversion kit to make a Glock a rifle?

There are carbine conversion kits which use the lower receiver of the Glock pistol, and mate it to a carbine upper, yes.

What prohibits the use of poison hollow-point bullets bacterial weapons or poisoned weapons in combat?

The best answer to this would be the Hague Convention which bans (among other things) expanding ammunition, and any other type of ammunition which would cause 'undue suffering' or make death from an injury inevitable rather than simply possible or likely.

Will a glock 27 fit in a glock 22 holster?

Yes, it will fit, but the barrel will not go all the way to the bottom of the holster. Depending on the holster, it may or may not make a difference.

How do you have 2 fairies on pixie hollow?

you can make two fairies at pixie hollow

Can gunsmiths make antique bullets?

No. An antique bullet is 100 years old. That is the meaning of "antique". But they can make modern bullets to fit and antique pistol.

What is pixie hollow on the online world?

Pixie hollow is a game were you make youself as a fairy.

What are the sites of pixie hollow games?

there are no sites. Pixie hollow, make a account and u can play games. no sites for the games in the hollow.