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Depends on what it is choked.

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Q: Can you shoot a slug in a 220a savage 410 shotgun?
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Can you shoot a slug with an 870 that has a modified choke on it?

Yes: A Remington 870 shotgun with a modified choke will shoot any commercial shotgun slug.

What slug can you shoot through a rifled barreled shotgun?

Any non rifled slug. However for best perfomance you want a "saboted" slug.

Can you shoot a 10ga slug in a auto gun?

Yes, if it is a 10 gauge shotgun.

Can a twenty gage Mossberg shotgun shoot a slug if it has no choke in?

Yes, but, DON'T DO IT!!!!!!!!

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Can you shoot a slug out of a smooth bore shotgun?

Do not try it, the likelihood of the gun exploding in your hands is very high.

Can a Stevens 59a 410 shotgun shoot slugs?

The Stevens 59A can shoot all size loads from #12 to slug. So in short, yes.

Can you shoot a slug through a Rossi shotgun with a fixed modified choke?

As long as the owner's manual doesn't prohibit it.

Are the barrels of the baikal double barrel shotgun riffled?

probably not, historicly shotguns are smoothbore if you shoot a slug, THAT would be rifled.

Can you shoot a slug out of a regular shotgun?

Yes and no. The yes comes from simple fact, if the projectile can move down the barrel, it can be fired. I've seen .221 Fireballs fired out of a 7TCU barrel. The no is because you cannot do it well. In effect, if you shoot a slug down a smooth bore shotgun barrel, you will have little in the way of accuracy. Slugs should be shot from a slug barrel, and shot from a smooth bore.