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Q: Can you buy a nuclear bomb?
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Where can you buy a nuclear bomb for under 90000000? :)

How much money do you need to buy a nuclear bomb?

$1 million USD in Russia

How do you get your hands on a nuclear bomb?

Buy one from the Muslim terrorists for a few billion dollars.

What is the difference between nuclear bomb and plutonium bomb?

A nuclear bomb is a type of bomb that releases energy from splitting atoms (fission), whereas a plutonium bomb specifically uses plutonium as the primary fissile material to create the explosive chain reaction. Plutonium bombs are a subset of nuclear bombs.

When did Germany make nuclear bomb?

Germany has not made a nuclear bomb.

What is the best nuclear bomb?

The best nuclear bomb is the Tsar bomba

Who is the father of nuclear bomb?

Robert Oppenheimer is the father of nuclear bomb.

What is a nuclear weapon in which enormous energy is released by nuclear fission?

A nuclear bomb or atomic bomb

What will 300 Australian dollares buy in Dubai?

A nuclear Bomb and 2 AK-47's

What were other option rather an atomic bomb?

Atomic bombs are a type of Nuclear bomb and there are 2 types of nuclear bombs. The second type of nuclear bomb is a hydrogen bomb.

Which bomb is deathly?

nuclear bomb

How big does a plane have to be to drop a nuclear bomb?

That depends on how big the nuclear bomb is.