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It sounds as if you have a question on the laws related to a firearm in a vehicle. The law varies from state to state. An answer that applies to Virginia would not necessarily be a correct answer for California or Texas. has a SUMMARY of firearms laws for different states.

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Q: Can the pistol be loaded in closed compartment?
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What is a dangerous game with a loaded pistol?

A loaded pistol is not a toy. Any game with a loaded pistol is foolish and unsafe.

How much does a 9MM beretta pistol weigh?

Loaded or unloaded?

How long would it take for a MPAT or HEAT round to cook off after a compartment hit?

Impossible to answer- too many variables. It would require a penetration of the munition by fragments, or a fire in the same compartment as the munition. If the munition is loaded and the breech closed, it would depend on the intensity of the fire.

What is the weight of a pistol?

2.5 lbs empty 3 lbs loaded

What is the weight of a 45 pistol?

2.5 lbs empty 3 lbs loaded

Can you have a loaded pistol in your vehicle the state of Texas?

Yes only side arms

How much does the M-9 pistol weigh loaded?

roughly 3 pounds

Can you carry a loaded pistol with one in the chamber in your car in plain sight in georgia?


Can handgun be loaded in glove compartment in sc?

No way Jose. it can't be kept loaded or in reach. It needs to be in the trunk or it's a major bust if you are caught.

When is a loaded chamber indicator check made M9 service pistol?

After a round has been chambered

At what point does a black powder pistol become a weapon in flasome one said when it is loaded?

You need a lawyer.

Do any briefcases have secret compartments?

There are some briefcases that do come with secret compartments. These briefcases often have a spring loaded compartment when actuated exposes the hidden compartment. This type of compartment is often used to store a hidden gun.