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Depends on local laws- and you did not tell us WHERE.

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Q: Can the owner of a business carry a firearm without a armrd security guard permit?
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Can you keep a firearm in your home legally without a permit in ohio?

Ohio does not require a permit to purchase or possess an ordinary Title I firearm.

Is it illegal to have a gun in your house without a permit in ma?

It is not illegal. There is no permit required to own a firearm.

Can you have a gun on your side at work without a permit?

It depends on where you are. In the U.S. you can have a gun in your home or in your place of business in every state, except that in Illinois, you must have a permit (or techincally, and ID card) in order to even purchase a firearm.

Can you own a gun if you do not have a concealed weapons permit?

A concealed weapons permit is only a license that allows you to carry a firearm in public without it being clearly visible. Owning a firearm is a completely different set of permissions, and is usually required before you can even get a concealed weapons permit.

Can you carry your firearm in your pocket or belt when you exit your vehicle?

It depends on where you are and the circumstances. In the U.S. if you have a permit valid in the state where you are, yes, you can. Without a permit, it depends on the state law.

What states let you carry handguns without a permit?

Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, Vermont and Wyoming allow residents to carry a concealed firearm without a permit. Montana and Idaho both currently allow concealed carry without a permit in places outside of any incorporated municipality.

Can my neighbor have a dog grooming business without a permit?

That depends. Is it public or just for friends? She does need a permit.....

How long does it take to get a gun permit in Wisconsin?

Wisconsin does not require a permit to purchase or to own a firearm. It does require a permit to carry a firearm concealed on your person. When you apply, the permit will be granted or denied within 21 days by State law.

In which us states can you legally carry a concealed firearm?

You can get a concealed carry permit in most states, and a few states allow concealed carry without a permit. See for more information.

Can you own a gun at your business without permit?

It depends on where you are. In the U.S. you can own a gun in any state without a permit, except that the state of Illinois requires an ID to purchase a gun.

What is the fine for first offense for operating a electrical business without a business permit?

It depends on your local laws. In other businesses you usually just have to catch up on any permit payments.

Where can i find a youth firearm permit?

Contact the issuing agency