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If you have enough of it to compensate for the force of the bullet, yes. Any material can. Even a .50 BMG can be stopped with a little over three feet of water.

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Q: Can kevlar stop a bullet
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Related questions

How much kevlar do you need to stop bullets?

Depends on caliber & velocity of the bullet.

What is bullet proof jacket fiber?

Answer is Kevlar.

What are some uses for kevlar?

Bullet proof Vests

What is A bullet proof vest made from?

Kevlar fabric

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What is the name of bullet proof fiber?

The best-known bullet-proof material is probably Kevlar.

What is the usefulness of kevlar?

Bullet-proof vests are made of Kevlar as are motorcycle re-enforcement pads. Kevlar is extremely strong weave of synthetic fibre which has the added feature of being flexible.

How does kevlar works?

Kevlar is a very dense polyamide. It has a high tensile strength, making it useful in several ways, such as bullet-proof vests.

Uses for kevlar?

It is used as a bullet-proof material and also, surprisingly, canoes.

What is bullett proof kevlar made from?

It's a special kind of polymer, related to nylon, woven in certain patterns that enhance its ability to absorb and redirect the energy from a bullet. Note, that Kevlar (and all related materials) aren't really bullet "proof", rather they are bullet "resistant". They resist the passage of a bullet - for certain size and speed bullets, this resistance is enough to prevent it passing through the material, but for others, the bullet still retains enough energy to penetrate the material. Thus, all bullet resistant materials and designs are rated according to the type of bullet they are able to stop.

Can kevlar stop a 50 caliber?

Kevlar is used to stop some bullets. Normally it will stop pistol rounds but other rounds , especially an anti tank round.

Kevlar body armor is an example of what?

I don't understand what your asking but, kevlar body armor is an example of a layered fiber that catches the bullet while dissapating its energy, if that's what your asking.