Yes but it takes a special type of pellet gun not your normal every day pellet gun. The model I an referring to are in the class of PCP (PreCharged Pneumatic) air rifles. These rifles require a special pump or Scuba tank to charge them to 3000 PSI and are capable of firing large pellets up to 50 caliber and can bring down a deer or boar. these rifles are also much more expensive than the average pellet gun or rifle.
Depends on the pellet gun, the distance, and the game laws where you live. Most pellet guns should not be used to hunt anything bigger than a squirrel. They do not have enough energy for a humane kill.
No, a pellet gun can't kill a bear it will only make it angry. There for it will eaither attack you or just ignore it.
It is passable to kill a cat in the right situation.
No... Corrected answer.-------------- It depends on the caliber and power of your Pellet gun. But Yes it is possible. In fact many pellet guns and rifles are used for rodent control.
No! And for those that think the bear will ignore it I'll just say this. If you are OUT OF YOUR MIND and use a pellet gun then the bear WILL NOT, I REPEAT, WILL NOT IGNORE IT! IT WILL ATTACK! Therfore the only out come is it will charge you while you are reloading your precious single-shot pellet gun and will have you for supper. If you are hunting deer or elk with a pellet gun then you can kill one because there are high-powerd pellet guns out there that are proven to kill medium game...BUT NOT LARGE GAME!
If you are talking about a PCP (PreCharged Pneumatic) rifle. With a .45 caliber pellet, then "Yes" It can. I don't believe there is a 40 Caliber pellet gun.
Possible- depending on the pellet gun. I hunt smaller animals (squirrels) with a Sheridan 5mm rifle. It WILL kill a squirrel at 45 yards. However, a squirrel and a turkey are 2 very different animals. To kill a turkey cleanly, it would have to be a head shot- and turkeys are VERY skittish animals. You also need to check if it would be LEGAL to kill a turkey with a pellet gun in YOUR state (assuming we are talking about a wild turkey) The game laws are different for each state.
Yes. Under the right circumstances.
It is possible, Yes, But it depends on the caliber, Weight of the pellet, the FPS of the gun. I suggest using a Pellet rifle not a pellet gun. I suggest a head shot using hollow point pellets. Also a license may be required to hunt the goose
Depending on where you live and the local law. Yes a pellet gun will kill a squirrel. I suggest you use "Hollow point" hunting pellets.