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A felon may not own, possess, or be allowed access to firearms ANYWHERE in the United States, as per federal law.

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Q: Can a felon own a firearm in the state of tx?
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Can you own a firearm in the state of tx with an state jail felony?

To my knowledge, If you are a Convicted Felon then you are forbidden from owning/possessing a firearm in ALL states, not just one area. I admit I could be wrong about this, if anyone else has better information feel free to update this answer.

Can a convicted felon own a gun in tx?

Not in ANY state. Covered by Federal law.

How much time do you get for a possession of an unlawful firearm by a felon in tx?

5 years- Federal law. No probation, no parole.

Can a ex-felon get a concealed permit in tx to carry a hand gun?

It depends on what you mean by "ex" felon. Generally speaking, there is no such thing as an ex felon. People typically used the term ex-felon to mean someone who is no longer in prison, but the person still a felon. If a person has a felony on his record, he cannot legally own or even possess a firearm, and no state will issue a gun permit to him. The exception to that is a felon who has had his rights restored. This is something you have to request through a legal process, so if that has happened, the felon will know it.

Can a felon convicted for conterfeiting get a CNA license in the state of tx?

It is highly unlikely.

Can a convicted felon obtain a professional HVAC license in the state of TX?

Yes, and many do.

Can you own a firearm if you've had a dwi in Texas?

You need a lawyer familiar with the laws of TX, lots of money and patience in order to find out.

You want to get a form to get your gun rights back in tx?

There is no such form. Your question doesn't say - but If you are a convicted felon, Federal law forbids convicted felons from ever owning or possessing a firearm or ammunition. (US Code, Title 18)

Where can a convicted felon find an apartment in Lubbock TX?

Park Tower

Can a convicted felon rent an apartment in Corpus Christi TX?


Ca hunting laws for felons?

Ask your PO, but I don't believe convicted felons (even if not on parole) are allowed to carry (or even be in the presence of) firearms. Not Exactly: Felons are allowed hunting licenses. A felon without rights restored may use a bow or crossbow. A felon with rights restored may use a modern gun. Some felonies can be redesignated misdemeanors, too. Possesion is two fold. A felon, rights not restored, may not be in actual possesion, that is, holding touching; actual control of a firearm. Being around others in control of theirs or at a gunshow is OK. There is no "minmum distance" like in a restraining order. There was some discussion whether a muzzle loader may be used, as it isn't a firearm by federal law, but this is up in the air. It was legal in TX for a while. Refs: "restore your rights and own a gun", my state's law, federal law. Going thru restoration process right now.