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Not only may a felon not purchase, possess, or be given access to firearms in New Mexico, they can't in ANY state or territorial possession of the United States of America. None of the other information given in this question matters in any way.

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Q: Can a felon own a firearm in New Mexico if felon is from another state?
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Related questions

How do you report a convicted felon who has a firearm?

If they are a felon from your sate. notify the state police, if they are a felon in another state, notify the U.S. Marshals office, or the F.B.I.

How does a felon get back the right to own a firearm in the state of New Mexico?

have his criminal record expunged by an attorney.........................

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Can an felon carry a gun in airzona?

No- nor can a felon possess a firearm in any state. Federal law.

Can a felon own a black powder gun in Virginia?

No. There is no state were a felon may own any firearm.

How does a convicted felon petition the court to regain his right to possess a firearm in the state of Indiana if his conviction was in another state?

Hire an attorney that is a member of the Indiana Bar.

Can ex felon own any firearm in NY state?

A convicted felon may not possess a firearm in ANY US state. This is governed by Federal law, and applies in every state. Law has existed since 1968.

Can a convicted felon live in the house if the owner has a registered firearm in the state of Maryland.?

Yes, but may not have access to the firearm (stored under lock and key that the felon has no access to)

Can a felon from another state own a gun in GA?

You will need a lawyer, money and a lot of patience to see if you can get your right to own a firearm back

In Florida can a convicted felon be around someone who owns a firearm?

In Florida, a convicted felon can be around someone who owns a firearm as long as they do not possess or control the firearm. However, it is important that the laws regarding felons and firearms vary by state, so it is essential to check local laws and guidelines.

You are a convicted felon may your wife own a firearm secured in the home?

Some states may have laws disallowing it, but in general, yes, the wife of a felon can have a firearm as long as the firearm is kept where the felon cannot access it. Seeing I live in Alabama this is the state i need the laws for