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Q: Can I own a firearm after obstruction of mail conviction?
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Does a conviction of criminal mischeif mean you cant own a gun?

No. You can own a firearm.

How long after felony conviction can a person own a firearm?


Can a person with a federal conviction of mail fraud who has served a six month sentence own or possess a firearm?

It depends on whether they were charged with a felony offense, or not. ANY felony crime will deny a convicted person ever possessing a firearm under federal law.

Can you own a firearm in Ohio if you had a felony ex- ponged?

No. Expungement does not make your conviction go away.

Can you legally own firearm after conviction of CA PC 484 theft?

The question refers to a California petty theft statute - If that statue is NOT a felony offense, then yes, you may own or possess a firearm.

Can you own a gun if convicted of domestic menacing?

In Canada police approval is required to purchase any type of firearm. Such a conviction would prevent police approval.Added: In the US - any conviction for Domestic Violence is a bar to firearm ownership.

How long after feloney is committed can you own a firearm?

After a felony conviction, you may never own, purchase, possess, or be granted access to firearms ever again.

When can a convicted felon own a firearm after they finish their probation?

Never, unless their conviction gets overturned - not expunged, not pardoned, but actually overturned.

Can a person with a felony conviction in New York obtain a firearm license in Oklahoma?

No. If you get a felony conviction anywhere, you may not own, purchase, or have access to firearms anywhere else. That's federal law.

How long after a felony conviction can a person own a firearm?

In the United States, there is no certain number of years. If you are a felon, you cannot own a gun unless you have successfully petitioned to have your gun rights restored.

Can I own a fire arm in Tennessee with a domestic violence charge on your police record?

No. A conviction of a crime of domestic violence prevents you from owning or possessing a firearm.