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Only to the uneducated. They are no more capable of cutting or stabbing then any other kmife. There are now knifes that look and open just like a switchblade But without the button. And hassle of owning one.

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Q: Are switchblades dangerous
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Are switchblades legal in Massachusetts?

No, switchblades are illegal in Massachusetts. They are considered dangerous weapons and possession of them is a criminal offense in the state.

Why are switchblades illegal in Indiana?

Switchblades are illegal in Indiana because they are considered dangerous weapons that can easily be concealed and used for criminal purposes. The state laws prohibit the possession, sale, and distribution of switchblades to help promote public safety and reduce the risk of violence.

Why are switchblades illegal in Washington?

Switchblades are illegal in Washington because they fall under the state's definition of a dangerous weapon, and their swift deployment can increase the risk of violence and harm. Washington laws aim to regulate the possession and use of such weapons to help maintain public safety and reduce the likelihood of criminal activities involving switchblades.

Are switchblades legal in MN?

No, switchblades are illegal to possess in Minnesota under state law.

Are switchblades legal in Indiana?

Switchblades are legal to own and possess in Indiana, but they cannot be carried in a concealed manner. It is important to note that local ordinances may have additional restrictions regarding switchblades.

Are switchblades illegal in Canada?

Yes, switchblades are illegal in Canada. They are considered prohibited weapons under the Criminal Code of Canada. It is illegal to possess, import, or sell switchblades in the country.

Are Switchblades illegal in Texas?

Yes, switchblades are illegal to own, buy, sell, or carry in Texas. Texas law prohibits the possession of switchblades with a few exceptions for certain individuals, such as law enforcement officers.

Why Are switchblades legal in Florida?

Switchblades are legal in Florida because there is no specific state law banning their possession or sale. The state does have limitations on the sale and possession of certain types of knives, but switchblades are not explicitly prohibited. However, it is important to note that there are still federal restrictions on the transportation and sale of switchblades across state lines.

Are switchblades legal in Canada?

Switchblades are classified as prohibited weapons in Canada under the Criminal Code. Possessing, importing, or selling switchblades is illegal in Canada unless authorized for specific purposes, such as limited law enforcement activities.

Are switchblades illegal in Georgia?

Yes, switchblades are illegal to own, carry, or sell in Georgia. It is considered a misdemeanor offense and punishable by law.

Are switchblades legal in IL?

No, switchblades are illegal in Illinois. The state law prohibits the possession, sale, and manufacture of switchblade knives.

Are switchblades legal in Wisconsin?

No, switchblades are illegal in Wisconsin under state law. Possession of a switchblade in Wisconsin is considered a misdemeanor offense.