Guns don't kill people; PEOPLE kill people. A person has to point the gun and pull the trigger. The problem with trying to control guns is that criminals do not follow those kinds of laws.However...Guns are a tool that can be used to kill more readily, or to threaten death. Other weapons require some skill, at least, to use.
Yes, guns kill people. Guns are used to kill people, therefore guns kill people. People also kill people. It is incorrect to say that guns do not kill people due to a pedantic misinterpretation of a single definition of the word kill, ignoring all other definitions of the word. Similarly, cigarettes kill people. Guns kill people. No. People kill people. Your own actions kill people. Possible exceptions to this would include the Super aEgis 2 is an automated gun tower that can find and lock on to a human-sized target in pitch darkness at a distance of up to 1.36 miles (2.2 kilometers). It uses a 35x zoom CCD camera with 'enhancement feature' for bad weather, in conjunction with a dual FOV, autofocus Infra-Red sensor, to pick out targets. These towers have been established along the Demilitarized Zone (DMZ) between north and south Korea. In this case guns without human control would kill people.
To kill people, or to be traded or used as a intimidation tool. Or of course to hunt.
They used cannons and other types of guns.
No, bb guns shoot smaller, metal pellets and can cause serious injury if used on people. Only use air soft purposed guns.
well along time ago people were aloud to use guns for hunting. one day someone discovered that if it can kill animals then it might kill humans. so he murdered a human. and then he got arrested and then police officers used against criminals and then No one was aloud to use guns
guns are used to kill polar bears and so are Emily mason
No, but in time of war it's kill or be killed...
Guns are made to kill other people during conflicts. If someone got angry or wanted something from another person they would shoot them. Guns are commonly used for war. Guns are a more powerful and accurate anti- personnel weapon and is used in many places around the world.HOPE IT HELPED
Not at all. Guns should only be used by responsible adults. Ask the Swiss. They have a very healthy and positive gun culture that works. Check it out here:
Guns themselves do not kill people; it is the person operating the gun who ultimately causes harm. Firearms are tools that can be used for both self-defense and violence, depending on the intentions of the user.
Guns are primarily used in war because you are able to kill a large number of people in a shorter period of time. Furthermore, they are rather easy to manufacture with relatively low costs so it is often used in war.