you go to combat arms home page > then click download > and then you install it > done!! and remember to make a account... Have fun!
difference between home page and effective home page
I think you mean home page?
If you are refering to the translation home page is "page d'accueil".
briefly explain the home page
See the related link which is the AHA home page for Nutrition.
a web page is located inside a home page
home page
The properties of a home page is an index
American Football is better known as the NFL. The schedules can be found on the NFL main page, as well as each team's home page. Schedules are posted the first week of MAY every year.
A home page is a type of web page. Let me explain. A web page is any page on the internet you can access. A home page is also a web page but is also the main or start page of a website. For example the page that comes up when you type is the home page to this site. It is also a web page. When you click on any link that is part of such as the "Technology" button, you go to a web page that is not's home page. Think of a book. The cover/title of the book is the home page, all other pages within the book are webpages.
If a webpage says return to home page, it means to return to the original page you started with, like for Wiki Answers, the home page is, or click the huge sign on the top left :)