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It sounds like you may have to shock it again and this r[time hit it with a floculant as wel your pool shop wit be able to advise you on the brands that are available locally and follow the directions on the pack.

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16y ago
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13y ago

If your pool water is clear and there is no algae on the bottom I would suggest testing the pool water for metals. Sometimes the prescence of copper will give your pool a greenish aqua color. Another tell tale sign is if you shock your pool and it instantly turns a shade of lime green usually signals a metal issue. Copper can come from your heater (heat exchanger) so it would behoove you to make sure you keep your pool balanced especially PH and Alkaline levels as very low levels will eat copper heat exchanges causes them to shed the metal into the pool and leak. Other metals give off colors as well, such as iron-brownish red, manganese-pink, red, black or brownish black and cobalt red, blue, gray or black.

Well Water, and a load of leaves that decayed all winter in the bottom of the pool are other causes of metals.

Hope this helps. or

Or, if the water is clear and there is no algae on the bottom, an algae bloom is in the beginning stages. If you don't treat it soon, it will be considerably darker green the next day. Shock your pool with perhaps a heavier dosage than normal. Leave the pump on 24/7 until blue color has returned. Then backwash the filter, or if cartridge filter, remove the cartridges and clean thoroughly. For any pool-related questions, feel free to contact me at

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12y ago

Your pool turns green when the Ph levels are not balanced and algae begins to grow.

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