

Why would you pray to Poseidon?

Updated: 9/20/2023
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13y ago

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Poseidon is the ancient Greek god of the seas and horses. One praying to Poseidon may need his assistance/ expertise in their everyday life-- just like praying to god. However, most people are not practicing belivers in the Greek gods it is purely mythology. In modern times the only reason i could really think of would be in performing a ritual or cleansing spell-- summoning power from the elements and their god and things of that sort.

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To have safe voyages on the sea. They would pray to him to make and keep the sea calm. As a sacrifice they would throw a horse into the sea as Poseidon is also known as the god of horses

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Polyphemus the Cyclops prayed to Poseidon rather than Zeus because Poseidon was the father of the cyclops.

What was Poseidon's responsibility at sea?

Poseidon, the Greek god of the sea, was in theory responsible for everything connected to the sea, at least if you believe Greek mythology. Greek sailors would pray to him that their ship would not be wrecked or becalmed, or suffer other nautical misfortunes.

How was Poseidon worshipped?

People will pray or sometimes will give sacrifices to him like drowning a horse.

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Yes, Polyphemus did pray to his father Poseidon, not Zeus, seeking revenge against Odysseus for blinding him. Poseidon was the god of the sea and earthquakes, and he proceeded to punish Odysseus for his actions.

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In literature, the Cyclopes pray for revenge against Odysseus for blinding Polyphemus, their brother. They invoke their father, Poseidon, for help in seeking revenge.

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