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well because the water is in the ground and the ground has dirt and stuff which could lend to some posion or illness.

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Q: Why is ground water hard to clean up?
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What happens when water hits the ground?

You gotta clean the mess up:)

Why is it easier to prevent water pollution than clean it up?

it's easier to prevent because it's hard to clean water

How does rain shadow effect ground water or water shed?

Rain shadow effects ground water by when it rains so hard on one side of the mountain is messes up the ground water by tearing up the soil.

Why is it hard to get water in hot countries?

because the heat dries up all of the water in the ground

Are there efforts underway to clean up the water in manatee habitats?

Yes there are people helping to clean up manatees water. You can help by picking up trash in the water and on the ground. Picking up trash on the ground is important because it can eventually go down a drain and lead to water which then sinks to the bottom of the water of a manatees habitat there fore by picking up trash you can hep manatees and save them from extinction.

How do you clean aphids off honeysuckle?

The best way is with a hard jet of water from a hose. Knock them loose physically by washing them off the plant. Once they hit the ground, they cannot climb back up.

How do you keep water on the land longer?

bye the ground gets so hard and it soaks it up

Why does the ground get so hard and bumpy in the winter?

The ground gets hard and bumpy in winter due to the freezing and thawing cycle of water in the soil. When water in the ground freezes, it expands and can push the soil particles up, creating a bumpy surface. As the temperature fluctuates, the repeated freezing and thawing causes the ground to become harder and uneven.

Why is water wasted?

Wasting water means wasting energy. When the water you waste goes down the drain, that means the energy that was used to clean and filter that water went all to waste. The water goes back into the ground, and it takes even more energy to filter and clean it again. Some water also ends into the ocean and since it takes time for the flow of salt water to become clean water, our amount of clean water will decrease. So basically every pint of water that you waste ends up into the ground, sea, river never becomes automatically clean again.

Is groundwater harder to clean up than surface water?

Yes, groundwater can be harder to clean up than surface water because pollutants can penetrate deeper into the ground, making it more challenging and costly to reach and treat. Additionally, groundwater flows more slowly than surface water, which can prolong the cleanup process.

Was created to clean up air and water pollution?

The Clean Water Act and the Clean Air Act were created to help clean up the air and water from pollution. The Clean Air Act was passed in 1970 and the Clean Water Act followed in 1972.

What is a synonym for dredge?

To clean or to sprinkle. There are two meanings of dredge. One is to clean out a bed in a body of water and one is to sprinkle a powdered substance on the ground.