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A problem salt-system pool owners encounter is that the pH rises over time. If the pH is over about 8.3, then your chlorine is rendered partially ineffective, meaning you can have a high free-chlorine reading, but it is restricted. Test the pH and add muriatic acid to maintain your pH is between 7.4 and 7.6.

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13y ago
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12y ago

This could be caused by a number of things; low stabilizer, low salt, dirty filter, bad chlorinator or all the above. Have your water tested for all your balancing chemicals. Your pool may just need to be shocked with good old chlorine. Automatic chlorinators are for maintaining a regular chlorine level and can't handle large amounts of rain or bather loads.

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13y ago

could be a number of things. Your salt cell could need to be cleaned, you need to add salt or you could have a very high phosphate level. Salt water cells read phosphates as chlorine and stop producing chlorine.

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15y ago

Salt water, unlike chlorinated water, is a stable supporter of life for most organisms. The green pool effect is caused when bacteria (usually cyanobacteria) begins to multiply. Also, there may have been a few organisms present in the water if you got it from the pool, and they just recently started to multiply. Try chlorinating the pool if your not comfortable swimming with organisms.

Source: Campbell Brown Biology Book

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12y ago

A pool will usually turn green due to a growth of some sort. Normally salt water helps prevent this but you may need to use chemicals to flush your pool before resuming activities safely within it.

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18y ago

No chlorine being made and/or your PH and Alkalinity is out of wack or your filter is not working and filtering out particulates.

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15y ago

life comes from minerals and nutrition. You probably didn't clean the pool often enough. And if the simple life forms are given a chance they will grow, hense the green is algae.

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15y ago

most bodies of water have salt in them, correct? and most bodies of water have moss in them, correct? so if your pool has salt in it, and is under sunlight, its going to produce moss!

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Q: Why does your salt water pool keep turning green?
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How do you keep an above ground swimming pool from turning green?

Proper water chemistry instead of neglect. Long filter periods and a clean filter.

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It is not the salt water pool or the salt water that is turning your hair green. It is a poorly maintained pool with a chemical imbalance - pH and total alkalinity out of required parameters.

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First of all bomb it with extra chlorine. if that does not work try hitting it with an algaecide, Keep in mind that many salt water pools can not handle metal based algaecide.

You heard new pool water is green and turns blue in a few days is this true?

You have to treat pool water with pool chemicals and use a pool filter to get and keep the water clear.

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Your water is turning green due to algae. You need to scrub your pool walls to and then "Shock" your pool by adding chlorine. Keep your pool filtered and it should clear up in a few days.

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Algae will develop in untreated water turning the water green and or foggy. If it is a swimming pool, and you don't mind, it can be treated with chemicals that you can get at the big box hardware stores or a pool supply place. If the pool is for fish you can use a biological filter and pump system.

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Are you using iodized salt or pool salt? I've read that the iodine in the iodized salt will leave yellow staining in the pool.

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Do not use blue (copper) algecide. If you have already added too much blue algecide in the past, the only way to remove it is to buy a metal remover at your pool supply or do a partial drain and refill of the pool water. Pool Masters

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there is a chemical chelating agent called Metal Free this takes the metals out of well water

What do you do with the water in a new pool?

Check the chemicals with a pool test kit sold at most stores like Walmart or Kmart or a pool store. It shows how to check for PH balance and Chlorine. You must keep your chemicals balanced or the water will get cloudy or worse, green.

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Turning the pool pump off will help