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Adding algae control to the pool skimmer helps to disperse the chemical and coats the filter media.

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Q: Why do you add algae control to the pool skimmer?
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When adding earth to an in ground pool do you pour it in the skimmer box or into the pool it self?

Add thru the skimmer box

How do you clean algae from a in ground pool?

Cleaning an algae infested pool is not hard. Three steps:1. Kill the algae. Lots of chlorine and algaecide. Be patient, takes about a week to turn green (live) algae to grey (dead) algae.2.Get the hiding spots: scrape the pool sides with a wire brush. Leslies sells one that fits on the skimmer pole. Be sure to brush around lights.3. Catch the buggars. this is the hard part. Algae cells are 7 microns across. The average cartridge has 20 micron holes, so the algae washes through. Many sites recommend draining the pool or vacuuming the pool bottom to waste. There is a much better way:Buy a big bag of Fiber Clear at the pool store. This is a powder that fills the small holes in a cartridge filter. With the filter running, add a handful at a time into the skimmer. Tales a while to add a bag, but if you add it all at once it doesn't distribute evenly across the filter.Now run the filter 24 hours. Voila, the algae are trapped and pool water is once again clean

Do in ground pool skimmers work as overflows also?

No your pool is considered a closed system all the water that you add goes only to the filtering system and back. If you put in too much water you will overflow the edges and make your skimmer less efficient. unless you have a floating pool skimmer then the pool will be able to change level without affecting the efficiency of the skimmer.

What chemicals to balance a 30 foot round pool?

In a 30' round, you have approx. 21,240 gallons of water. You should be using a quart (32oz) of Stain & Scale (metal) control monthly, 3-4 stabilized chlorinating tablets in the skimmer at all times, 2 gallons of liquid chlorine shock weekly and adding it in the evenings, and an algae control every 5-7 days. Depending on the concentrate of algae control, (30% or 60%), you'll add roughly 12oz every 5-7 days after initial dose.

How do you determine the length of swimming pool creepy houses?

Measure from the skimmer box to the furthermost point away and add 2mt

Why the pool water is green but all parameters are ok?

The pool water is green because of algae- which is a type of plant. You just need to add more chlorine to kill off the algae...

Why is my pool cloudy?

Any particles in your pool can cause cloudiness - for example, dead algae. To eliminate it, most pool stores sell a "clarifier" - the one I sell is blue - which will get the particles out of your pool, or "alum" or "floc", which will bind the particles together, making them heavier, dropping them down to the bottom of your pool. You can then vacuum them out with your filter set to waste. If you have a DE filter, and you add a white powder to your skimmer sometimes, it is possible that your filter is leaking DE back into your pool and you need to replace the grids inside it.

What do you do if your pool has green algae and black algae spots?

To address green algae, shock the pool and scrub the affected areas. For black algae spots, brush the spots thoroughly to break down outer layers, then use a specialized black algae treatment according to the package instructions. Be sure to maintain proper chlorine levels and filtration to prevent algae growth in the future.

Can cyanuric acid be administered to a pool with active algae?

If the pool already has even a small amount (say, 20 ppm) of Cyanuric Acid (CYA) in it, then if you are fighting algae you should not add more CYA (until you have gotten rid of the algae) since it reduces chlorine effectiveness. If you have no CYA in the pool at all, then it is better for you to just add unstabilized chlorine to fight the algae, but it will be consumed quickly and you will need to replenish it. If you can only add the chlorine in the morning, then add some CYA to have at least some to prevent rapid loss of chlorine from the UV in sunlight. The easiest way to add chlorine and CYA at the same time is to use Dichlor, but don't overdo it. See and the Pool School link at that site for more details on defeating algae and how to shock your pool.

How does algae affect your life?

It just changes the color of the water. To remove algae, add calcium hypochlorite to the pool until the water turns gray, but do NOT add any cyanuric acid until the chlorine level returns to 5-10 ppm. To help your filter capture the then-dead algae, add cationic polymer. To prevent future algae buildup, maintain the proper chlorine level in your pool and add n-Alkyl and n-Dialkyl regularly.

How do you remove green algae from the bottom of your pool and how can you stop it from returning?

Shock the pool with chlorine (your Pool shop will tell you how much to add). Run the filter constantly, cleaning as necessary, for a couple of days. Brush pool walls as well. Then install a salt water system and you won't get that algae coming back.

Green in an above ground pool?

Algae, time for chlorine. Pool supply places have a test kit (ph) & can tell you how to use & what to add-chlorine or acid.