

Why do my ears feel full of water when i yawn?

Updated: 9/16/2023
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Q: Why do my ears feel full of water when i yawn?
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Possibly a ruptured drum. If you blow your nose & you can feel it in either of your ears, that is confirmation.

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because we feel tired

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Yawning often causes your ears to open wider, which can make sounds seem louder. When you sneeze, the sudden forceful expulsion of air can briefly block out other noises. Additionally, yawning and sneezing can both temporarily affect the pressure in your ears, which may contribute to these changes in sound perception.

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Chew some gum, yawn, stretch your jaws. that usually works for me. =]

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There is nothing you cannot help doing when you yawn. You do not even need to open your mouth - it is certainly possible to yawn with a closed mouth.

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hold nose with fingers, and blow out nose with it plugged. or just try and yawn

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If you yawn this usually helps.

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snort, wiggle ears, and open its 4 foot mouth to show its teeth.

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Dogs may yawn in response to their owner's yawning as a form of social communication or empathy, rather than as a direct mimicry behavior. It can be a way for them to bond with their owner or show that they are tuned into their owner's emotions.

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your eyes get water because your jaw stretches thats MY answer:)

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the homophone for yawn! haha get it lol

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You will pass out. You will yawn. You may feel very sleepy.