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Apparently they did so, that way people that admired him wouldn't build shrines, temples, etc for his body, and worship it. Who would want the people that believed in the same things to worship over his dead body for killing thousands of Americans?? of course this is only what i heard and is better than your previous answer talking about a reelection of Obama :D haha whatever. Conspiracy theorist much?



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Q: Why did they buried Osama bin ladens body at the ocean?
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Is osama ben ladan Dead?

Osama bin ladens Body was killed, but his spirt lives on in all of us whenever we do anything that hurts america or her people. Whenever we steal napkins from Mcdonalds, or are rude to american tourists that is Osama Bin Ladens spirt living on in us.

Where will bin ladens funneral be?

Bin Laden's body has already been buried at sea.

Is Osama Bin Laden really dead?

Yes. Osama bin Laden died on May 1, 2011. Found in Pakistan, he was shot by US special forces. His identity was confirmed and they buried his body in the ocean.

What ocean did they dump Osama body in?

indian ocean

Is Osama bin Laden dead body in the sea?

they keep some DNA but then they pushed his body in the ocean and guy the before me put they feed it to orphans

Did bin ladens body sink to the bottom?

Yes, Osama bin Laden's body sank to the bottom of the North Arabian Sea because he was put inside a weighted bag.

Is Osama bin Laden buried at a cemetery?

He was buried in the sea, because no country wanted to accept his body. People were also afraid that his grave would becime holy land for his followers.

Who found Osama bin Laden?

He was located in Pakistan in 2011 by tracking a courier who carried his correspondence. Navy Seal Team 6 was used in a CIA mission to attack his residence on May 2, 2011. He was killed and his dead body was buried in the ocean.

How did they prove it was Osama bin Laden?

The US government tested and compared his DNA with those of Bin Laden's family member's. One of his wives identified his body, and also, the person the Seals shot was 6'4", same as he was. They buried his body in the ocean, ad it is Islamic tradition to bury the body within 24 hours of death.

Who has osama body?

Poseidon, it was dumped in the ocean less than 24 hours after he was shot in accordance with Muslim law.

Where is osama bin laden today in the year 2011?

Today Osama Bin Laden's deceased body is at the bottom of an ocean. It was sent to the ocean by US forces to prevent the Al Qaeda claiming his body. Osama Bin Laden was shot and killed by American Special Forces in Pakistan on the 1st May 2011. His death was announced by President Barrack Obama on the 2nd May 2011.

Where are the survivors in the Osama bin Laden attack?

Well, you see, they went to the ocean so then they could find the body of Osama. I mean, really, who are they gonna worship when he's gone? They might as well have the body so they can worship SOMETHING.