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Q: Why did brady fe el cheated by his parents regarding Amanda's funeral in the red kayak?
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Are children in North Carolina required to pay deceased parents bills?

There are a number of factors involved. Typically the estate is responsible for paying the debts, including funeral costs. If a child or relative has co-signed any paperwork regarding the funeral, they may be held liable.

Is the oldest child in charge of the parents funeral arrangements?

No it's the person that is paying for the funeral or an executor of the deceased's estate.

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Should father of children send flowers to funeral if parents are divorced?

If the funeral is that of the children's other parent or a grandparent, it would be the right thing to do.

If both of your parents are deceased and they have no estate who is respible for the funeral cost?

Family members

Are Taiwanese parents allowed to go to their children's funeral?

Taiwanese parents are generally not barred from attending their own child's funeral. However, it is generally accepted that pregnant women should not attend, and that if they do, they must protect themselves with a red scarf.

If I am power of attorney can I prepay for funeral expenses for my father?

Yes I have done this for my Parents and your can get with the Funeral Home and Cemetary and Pay for everything even the opening and closing of the grave

If you commit suicide at age 19 will your parents receive benefits?

If you commit suicide at any age, your parents will receive a bill for your funeral, and that is about it.

What rights do parents under 21 have in PA?

They have the same rights regarding their child as adults parents have. At 18 they are adults. If they are below 18 they are still in charge regarding their child but their parents are in charge of them because they are not emancipated until they are 18.

Can we as a family be held liable for our daughter's debt?

There are a number of factors involved. Typically the estate is responsible for paying the debts, including the funeral and medical bills of the deceased. If the daughter is a minor, or still listed on the parent's medical insurance, the parents can be held responsible. parents co-signed any paperwork regarding medical procedures, they may be held liable.

Who pays for a parents burial if the parent has no money and no estate.?

Whomever made the funeral arrangements. They would have to sign taking on the responsibility before the funeral home would provide the services.