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If the pool is above ground and round, it is designed to carry the pressure of the water when it is level by carrying load as in a hoop. If it is not level, bending loads are produced due to non uniform pressure and the pool could collapse as it is not designed for these loads. If it is off by an inch or so deep over 3 or 4 feet depth that is OK, but Iwould not go much beyond that.

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14y ago
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14y ago

An unbalanced pool could result in corrosion, scale formation, cloudy appearance, swimmer skin and eye irritation, etc. depending on the parameter that is influenced.

To maintain a balanced pool the Langelier's Saturation Index (SI) should be used which will create a balance between the pH, temperature, alkalinity, calcium hardness, and total dissolved solids (TDS) in the pool.

The Langelier Index uses a chart of values for each of the balance factors. If the result of the equation is less than -0.3 then the pool is said to be corrosive (acidic) and if it is greater than 0.3 then it is said to be scale forming (basic)

The Langelier Index: SI = pH + TF + CF + AF + 12.1

TF = temperature factor
CF = calcium hardness factor
AF = alkalinity factor
12.1 = is a constant used for TDS below 1000ppm....if its above use 12.2

What should it all be?
pH = 7.2-7.8
Temperature = 70-90F
Alkalinity = 80-120ppm for pools...120-150ppm for whirlpools
Calcium Hardness = 150-275ppm
Total Disolved Solids = 450-1000ppm...should never exceed 1500ppm

To decrease:
pH - add Muriatic acid
Alkalinity - add Muriatic acid
Calcium hardness - add soft water

To increase:
pH - add Soda ash
Alkalinity - add Sodium bicarbonate
Calcium hardness - add Calcium chloride

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16y ago

If you have an above ground pool and it is on uneven ground then one side will be deeper then the other and the water will be further away from the top edge on side.

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im from gastonia and would to have an above ground pool. my property slants down would that cause a problem?

If you build up a level area to place your pool you will have no problems. If you place the pool on the ground the way it is your water level will only be as high as the lowest side of your pool.

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A good way to see if you have a leak in your pool is to # take a bucket and fill it with water from your pool. # mark it at the water level. # mark the pool at the water level. # wait a few days if there is no leak in the pool then the water level in the bucket should have reduced by the same amount as the water level in the pool, however if the water level in the pool has gone down more then the water level in the bucket you have a leak in the pool or in the pipes around the pool.

How can you level a pool that has water in it already?

The water will level itself so you can live with it if you would like. Otherwise, emptying the pool and setting it up again sounds like what you have to do.

Can you use fill to level an above ground pool?

Yes but you would probably be wise to compact it before putting the pool on it.

If a 9 volt battery was thrown in a pool with you in it what would happen?

Unless it hit you, nothing.

What would happen if you put a bucket up ways in a swimming pool?

It would tip over but still float.

How would you install a small pool if the backyard is not leveled?

You will need to level the area under the pool, though. Most suggest using sand to do this.

How do you get water your of your in-ground pool after it rains?

The best way would be to unplug the swimming pool filter, open the drain valve on your pool filter turn the pump back on and drop the water level to the desired level about 2 inches above the skimmer.

How much acid added to a 27000 gallons pool after refilling?

To determine the amount of acid needed for a 27,000-gallon pool, you would first need to test the pH level of the pool water. Then, based on the current pH level and the desired pH level, you can calculate the amount of acid required using a pool calculator or consulting with a pool professional. It is important to follow safety guidelines and manufacturer instructions when adding chemicals to your pool.

When did Pool of Radiance happen?

Pool of Radiance happened in 1988.

When did Pool Paradise happen?

Pool Paradise happened in 2004.