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Sometimes "Metal Free" by itself will only remove the Metal Causing the stains and it wont do anything but keep it from getting worse. Use Leslie's "Stain Remover" if the stain remains, then use some more "Metal Free."

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15y ago
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16y ago

You probably have a high iron content in the make up water. Is the water from a well? If so, run the filter for up to 24 hrs before adding chlorine.

Another possibility is that you have a redwood overhang above the pool and is leaching tannic acid during or after a rain.

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13y ago

Several possibilities. I'm sure, but one is iron. If you regularly fill your pool from a well with a high iron content, it can stain the side of the pool. Running the water into the skimmer when filling so it goes through the pool filter, shocking regularly and using a metal treatment will help. Best is to remove the iron with a softener or other treatment before putting it in your pool. The iron will also mess with alkalinity and pH so you're always chasing - at least it does in my plaster pool.

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16y ago

you probably have a problem with algae. A pool shop will be able to supply you with the chemicals to tackle it.

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15y ago

If you put too much chlorine it would turn white and fade,

or if you didn't clean it in a while and the water went green from the leaves .

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