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Nothing in particular. The chlorine in the pool should take care of the rainwater in the pool. But, rain or no rain, be sure to keep checking your pool water for chlorine, acidity, alkalinity, etc.... in order to maintain safe and clean water. The sun does as much damage to pool water as rain. You MUST be didligent in checking the chemistry of your pool. Good luck!

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18y ago
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16y ago

the right chemicals need to be added to the water to keep it clear and sanitary. The simplest thing to do if you don't have any experience in this is to take a sample of water from the pool and take it to your pool shop they will test it and tel you what is needed to get the ball rolling.

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11y ago

Rain-water is fresh so will try to sit on top of the denser brine, not sink, if left alone, but the pool use and the filters will mix the water and the salinity overall will fall.

Adjust the water-level if necessary, test the salinity, pH etc, and adjust the chemicals as required.

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15y ago

Brush the pool leave it for a day brush it again let it settle and vac the bottom.

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6y ago

Yes, not a big issue in this. You can swim in swimming pool even after rain but it is good to avoid swimming in pool during rain and thunderstorm because of lightning.

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12y ago

take a shower!! it makes your hair get untangled and makes you clean

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Flocking is adding a chemical that is almost sticky to the touch. Just ask your local pool store for a flocking agent. What it does is gathers the loose particles that are floating around in the pool and settles them to the bottom. It is very affective. First, set your filter valve to "recirculate" you don't want flocking agent to enter filter. Second, dilute flocking agent in water and try to blanket the pool surface as well as you can so when the flock settles it takes everything to the bottom. Run your pool for a couple of hours, then turn off your pump. Let it sit overnight. The next day, vacuum your pool to waste VERY slowly as to not kick up debris. I have done this a few times as I was introduced to this earlier this summer.

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Yes it wil just It should be alright the pressure of the water in the pool will push the ground water out. how much water underneath may influence the way the vinyl settles however.

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couldnt tell u without reading the bottle that the floc came in The idea of putting flocculant in the water is for the flocculant to attack to impurity's in the water and sink to the bottom of the pool, Ideally the water should not be disturbed while this is happening. After a couple of days of this you will note a cloudy area on the bottom of the pool. this should then be vacuumed to waste. You should not swim in a pool being treated with flocculant if you want the treatment to be totally effective. RB

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A beige pool bottom will not make the water look blue. This is because the beige will reflect off the water making it look brown.

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There is no filter at the bottom of a pool. Perhaps you are looking at the hydrostatic valve which is there in case your pool is emptied and Will make sure that the pool wont float in ground water.

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Turn the pool upside-down and knock on the bottom.

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You need water slippers to keep from slipping on the bottom of the pool floor.

Why is pressure greater at the bottom of the pool rather than the top of the pool?

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