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Mediterranean Sea, Southern Ocean, and Indian ocean

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Q: What three islands are found in European coastal waters?
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What islands are found in Europe coastal waters?

we don't have it

Many islands are found in Europe's coastal waters List three of them?

Brittany- between France and England Venice- Italy Jersey- England

What is a small spiny-finned fish found in shallow coastal waters?


What are three islands found in antarcticas coastal waters?

In the permanent ice on Antarctica's coast, you can find -- among others, Brown Island, Black Island and White Island.

How would you explain that a lower then average salinity is found i coastal waters?

Coastal waters have a lower salinity due to the vast amount of freshwater runoff pouring into the sea from rivers and streams. PM

Where are boxjellyfish found?

Box jellyfish are commonly found in the coastal waters of the Indo-Pacific region, including areas like Australia, Southeast Asia, and the Pacific Islands. They prefer warm, tropical waters and are often spotted near reefs or in shallow coastal areas.

Where is sea grape most commonly found?

Sea grape is commonly found on islands and in coastal areas.

Were does sharks live?

well it depends on the type of shark great whites live in coastal waters and are famous around australia and mako sharks are are famous around ireland in colder waters and tigers are found in coastal waters and possibly around colder waters thanx to whoever posted this question

Where does the dugong live?

A dugong is an aquatic mammal that is distinguished from the manatees by its forked tail. It is found in warm coastal waters from East Africa to Australia.

What is the largest shark found in british coastal waters?

The basking shark is the largest shark found in British coastal waters. It can grow up to 26 feet in length, but poses no threat to humans as it is a filter-feeder.

What natural are found in the coastal waters of Cameroon equatorial guinea Gabon and the Congo?

oil and natral gas

What ecosystem does a John Dory live in?

It is a deep water, salt water fish that is found in coastal waters.