Recreational Kayaks come in all different sizes and it really depends on they type of activity you will be using it for as to what size you choose. Other factors include the size of the person who will be using the Kayak since the cockpit sizes are different accordingly. The best starting point would be to visit a specialist Kayak store and sit in a few of them to get the feel for what would fit you best.
Perception Kayaks offers recreational, touring, and expedition model kayaks. New for 2013 are The Expression 11.5 and the Prodigy XS models. They also offer the Conduit 13.5, which is a tandem kayak designed for families.
Kayaks come in a wide range of colours and patterns. Click the 'Colour Schemes' button from the link below to try some out on the Nelo Kayaks page, a popular brand of sprint kayak.
Kayaks are hydrodynamic not aerodynamic. Aerodynamic means 'of the air'. People don't fly on kayaks.
no they are massive
If one would like to buy Kayaks online one can get it at several sites. One can buy Kayaks on dickssportinggoods, conquestadventuregear, and also one can buy kayaks on boatstogo.
They come in all standard matress sizes.
A group of kayaks are commonly referred to as a fleet, the same as most boats.
Carhartt Jackets come in Men's, and Women's sizes. Men's sizes come in Regular as well as Big & Tall sizes, while Women's sizes come in only regular. They do not offer a Petite size for women.
yes, many specialty glasses come in multiple sizes.
You can purchase used tandem kayaks in Alaska at You also may be able to find used tandem kayaks on
"Check Ebay, man. They have everything from used books to used kayaks." You should look into Paddler's Cove for used kayaks. They have great deals.
If you are interested in what sizes used cargo trailers come in, they can range from many different sizes. Some come in sixteen feet while other can come in 30 feet.