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Hot water and bleach

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Q: What should you use to remove a stain from a white soft vinyl toilet seat?
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How do you remove oil deck stain from vinyl widow?

A PVC cleaner will remove oil deck stain from the vinyl part of a window. Pour the cleaner on a clean sponge or rag and wipe in the direction of the grain to remove the stain.

How do you remove a denim stain from a white vinyl handbag?

I've used Goo Gone to remove stains from vinyl bags before. I would test it on an inconspicuous area first to make sure it doesn't harm the finish. I used it mostly to remove surface stains and dirt, so if your stain is deep into the vinyl it might not work as well.

How do you remove a fireworks stain from the bottom of a vinyl pool liner?

To remove a fireworks stain from the bottom of a vinyl pool liner, first, brush the stained area gently to loosen any debris. Next, create a paste using baking soda and water, then apply it to the stain and let it sit for a few hours before scrubbing with a soft brush. Rinse the area thoroughly with water. If the stain persists, you can try using a commercial vinyl pool liner cleaner following the manufacturer's instructions.

How do you remove Iron stain from vinyl siding?

Many things can cause iron stains on the vinyl siding of a home. The best way to remove these stains is to use tub and tile cleaner and a cloth scouring pad.

Vinyl Shutters ?

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How do you get out pee stain on a vinyl floor?

If the stain is not too old, vinegar will lift most of it out.

how do i remove mold from vinyl?

how do i remove mold from vinyl

How do you remove dye transfer from a white vinyl handbag?

You can use isopropyl (rubbing alcohol) on a wet paper towel to remove a stain, or for major stains, you can use a Mr. Clean Magic Eraser.

How do you remove the yellow stain caused by a foam backed rug from vinyl flooring?

Some vinyls will stain and there is nothing you can do to remove it. When this happens, it is usually caused by having asphalt on your shoe soles. If this is the case, the stain is in the seal coat of the vinyl and does not come out. If you try bleach, be careful of about the amount you use and how long it remains on the floor. This too, can be a staining agent over time.

How to remove cement from a vinyl liner?

muriatic acid should work fairly well

How do you remove Biro stain from floor vinyl?

The best method is Cif or similar mildly abrasive cream cleaner. Pour a little over the stain and with a tissue gently rub over the blotch. It may take a little bit of work, but it should come off. If there are tiny traces left over, use a few drops of nail varnish remover. But wipe away with water quickly. The acetone in the remover, if left on, may blister the vinyl.

How do you remove a gin stain from tile floor?

I don't know why gin stains vinyl tile, but we've found that Magic Eraser does the job of removing it. However, it leaves a dull spot, so you need to apply some floor wax after removing the stain.