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In spring 1805, they continued to the headwaters of the Missouri River, struggled across the Continental Divide at Lemhi Pass, and headed west along the Salmon, Clearwater, Snake, and Columbia Rivers to the Pacific. They landed at the mouth of the Columbia River, Astoria, Oregon on November 5 1805.

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βˆ™ 15y ago
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βˆ™ 10y ago

The river that led Lewis and Clark to the Pacific Ocean was the Columbia River. It had taken them over a year and a half to make it to the Pacific Ocean from St. Louis, Missouri.

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βˆ™ 9y ago

There was no river that took them to the Pacific. I think the Snake was used by them.

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Q: What river led Lewis and Clark to the Pacific Ocean?
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What river took Lewis and Clark directly to the pacific ocean?

The Columbia River

What ocean were Lewis and Clark able to make it to on their exploration?

Lewis and Clark finally arrived at the Pacific Ocean at Astoria, on the mouth of the Columbia River,

Which River was used by Lewis and Clark in their journey to the Pacific Ocean?

Missouri River

What ocean were Lewis and Clark trying to reach?

Lewis and Clark were trying to reach the Pacific Ocean during their expedition in search of an overland route to the Pacific Northwest.

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Mississippi River

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pacific ocean or columbia river

What river did Lewis and Clark travel through to get to the pacific ocean?

Mississippi river, colorado rivers

Why did Lewis and clark follow the river?

They were commissioned by Thomas Jefferson to look for a water route to the pacific ocean, they were following the river hoping that it would lead out into the Pacific ocean.

Where did Lewis and clark discover the pacific ocean?

on the west coast, in Oregon at the end of the Columbia river

Did Lewis and Clark find an easier route to the Pacific Ocean?

yes, the route the took that led them most directly to the pacific ocean was the Columbia river.

What coast did Lewis and Clark spend their second winter on?

The Pacific Ocean Coast near the Columbia River

Lewis and Clark saw the Pacific Ocean from this state?

Lewis and Clark, sadly, never actually saw the Pacific Ocean. They landed at the mouth of the Columbia River, Astoria, Oregon on November 7 1805. The day was rainy and foggy, and the Columbia River estuary was four or five miles wide and they could not see the Oregon side of the river or Point Adams at the mouth of the river in the distance. But they were close enough to have reached their goal.