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Q: What page of the red kayak does Brady feel bad so he offers to do chores around the house?
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What kind of job can a ten year old do to get some money?

chores around the house chores around the house chores around the house newspaper boy or girl

What were Adolf Hitler's chores around the house?

There are no historical records relating to what chores Hitler may have done around the house.

What are the tasks of Cinderella around the house?

She had to clean the house and do chores

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What does Jana Duggar do around the house?

The usual house chores, just like her siblings.

How do you persuade my parents to buy something?

Do chores and help out around the house

What to do when you are not allowed to date?

You could always do some chores around the house.

What are good ways to clean your house if your 9 years old?

Do chores around the house for money.

Should you have to take chores around the house?

Yes, maintaining a house is everyone's responsibility and not just that of the parents.

What did alexander bell's daughters do?

alexanders bell daughter's the did chores around the house.

How do i get money if i am to young to work?

Ask your parents for an allowance if you do chores around the house.

Im 11 where can you get a job?

Get a job as ababysitter, dog walker, or do chores around the house