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Q: What natural product will clean contaminated pool water?
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Related questions

How Is ground water naturally contaminated?

It is not natural for water to be contaminated, however, all natural water is contaminated because water in essence is a particle carrier and particles are contaminants.

Why does cholera occur in areas hit by natural disasters?

Cholera typically infects people through contaminated water. In many natural disasters people may lose their access to clean water and normal sanitary services. Flooding in particular can actually contaminate water supplies.

Where does Aedes mosquito breed?

The Aedes mosquito breeds in stagnant water.

Why isn't rain water clean?

Rain water dissolves atmospheric pollutants thus becoming contaminated

When was water made?

Water is a natural product.

Is water a good source to clean up a oil spill?

no, since the contaminated enviroment is WATER then this may cause the oil to expand but it still does not clean up the oil

Why do you think it is important to clean water before it reaches towns and cities?

Contaminated water can spread many diseases, such as cholera.

Why are rivers important to humans and animals?

Provides a large source of fresh water and an environment for those who live in, along or next to the river.

How do third world countries get clean water?

Astronouts wee from space and they drink so they get contaminated... lol

What do you use a canteen for while self aid and buddy care in contaminated conditions?

Storage of clean water

How much money does it cost to clean lake water?

That will depend dramatically on what the water is contaminated with and if the contamination was also in the sediments and/or the groundwater system of the lake.

Is there a natural way to keep a small child's pool water clean No filters chlorine or chemicals?

Natural chemistry makes a product called Pool Perfect, is is natural enzymes and should do the job for you, you can find it on amazon for about $22 per gallon