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Chemical i use :

Liquid Chlorine - Acid Muriatique - Super Clarifier - Clean Filter Every 12 h 00 - Let Running the Motor for 3 day's 24 h 00

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chlorine, bleach

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Add Bleach

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Q: What kind of chemicals gets rid of brown pool water?
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What kind of chemicals are in water?

Naturally water is chemical free. The only way it could have chemicals is if you add them yourself.

What kind of chemicals are salt and water?

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When a cricket player gets injured what kind of chemical is sprayed?

Sulphate and other chemicals!

How long can a black bear stay under water?

yes a brown bear can hold their breath under water, it might sound kind of impossible, but their able to do it

Why does the outer skin of an orange turn brown?

If you let it get too old it kind of gets moldy If you let it get too old it kind of gets moldy If you let it get too old it kind of gets moldy

How a cattail gets food and water?

how it gets water is from the roots that suck the water from the lake, swamp, river or any kind of big hole with water in it besides a pool

What kind of water does a brown bear need?

Plain fresh water, the same as a cat or dog or human.

What is the color of iron oxide in water?

Kind of reddish brown. FeO2 is commonly called rust.

What kind of chemicals does Iraq produce?

Chemicals for chemical nuclear warfare

What chemicals does the television have?

cathode ray tube and other kind of chemicals

What kind of mixture gets separated by a filter?

water and sand there is dissolved sugar or salt with sand

What kind of pollution occurs when livestock waste and agricultural chemicals enter the water supply?

In general, when water is polluted it is called, surprisingly enough, water pollution. Specifically, livestock waste and agricultural chemicals would be chemical water pollution (since there are chemicals dissolved in the water), to differentiate these from particulate pollution (soot, silt, and clay suspended in the water).Excess Nitrates from organic or inorganic fertilisers can also cause severe algal blooms. this process is called Eutrification.