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Q: What is the second largest freshwater island in the US?
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Second largest fresh water lake in the US?

Okeechobee, America's second largest freshwater lake after Lake Michigan.

What is largest freshwater lake in the US?

manitoulin Island is an island in Lake Huron. It is located within the borders of the Canadian province of Ontario. With an area of 2,766 km2 (1,068 sq mi), it is the largest fresh water island in the world, large enough that it has over 100 inland lakes itself

What state is the largest freshwater fish from?

it is not in the US but the largest freshwater fish was a catfish caught in china

Is Long Island the largest island in the US?

No, Long Island is not the largest island in the US. The largest island in the US is the Big Island of Hawaii.

What is the analogy Rhode Island is to Delaware as Alaska is to?

Texas. Rhode Island is the smallest US state, Delaware the second-smallest. Alaska is the largest state in area, and Texas is the second-largest.

Where is the largest freshwater coastline in US?

The state of Michigan has the longest freshwater coastline in the world

Largest island in the continental us?

Big Island in Hawaiʻi is the Largest Island in US

What the largest freshwater lake in the us?

Lake Superior is the largest freshwater lake in the United States. It shares a border with Canada. If you mean the largest freshwater lake entirely inside the United States, then it is Lake Michigan.

Third largest island in the Caribbean?

This island of Hispaniola is the second biggest Caribbean Island. It hosts two nations: Haiti and Dominican Republic.

What state has the second largest freshwater lake in the US?

Michigan has the second most lakes in the United States. Surprisingly, Alaska has the most lakes with over 3 million!

Where is the largest body of freah water in the US?

The largest body of landlocked freshwater in the US is the Lake Superior, one of the Great Lakes. It is also the worlds third largest lake by volume. Lake Baikal is the world's largest freshwater lake in terms of volume.

What are the two largest uses of freshwater in the US?

Answer: Thermoelectric power and irrigation ;)