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7-7.6 ????

I don't know where this answer came from, but straight out of the bottle household bleach has a ph of about 12.6! This comes from several references and my own measurement with a Hanna meter.

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The formula for household bleach is: NaClO

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Q: What is the pH value of household bleach?
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Why is it difficult to measure pH value of household bleach using universal indicator?

Household bleach is a strong alkaline solution, making it difficult to accurately measure its pH using universal indicator. Universal indicator is more suited for measuring pH in the neutral to slightly acidic range, and may not provide an accurate or precise reading for highly alkaline substances like bleach. A pH meter or specific alkaline pH indicator may be more suitable for measuring the pH of household bleach.

How does the pH of household bleach compare to the pH of household ammonia?

Household bleach has a pH around 12-13, making it basic, while household ammonia has a pH of around 11-12, also making it basic. However, bleach is more alkaline than ammonia, making it a stronger base.

What is the pH of household bleach?

This is a basic material.

Is household bleach an acid or a base?

Household bleach is a base. It has a high pH level, typically around 12-13, which makes it more alkaline on the pH scale.

Why is it difficult to measure the pH value of household bleach using universal indicator?

Household bleach is a strong base, typically with a pH of around 11-13, which is outside the color range of universal indicator, making it difficult to accurately measure its pH using this indicator. Universal indicator is more useful for measuring pH in the neutral to slightly acidic range. To accurately measure the pH of bleach, a pH meter or pH paper with a broader range would be more suitable.

What is the pH of bleach colour?

The pH of bleach, typically sodium hypochlorite, is usually around 12-13, making it alkaline. Regular household bleach is a strong base with a high pH level.

What is the pH of bleach?

Household bleach is about 6% sodium hypochlorite and has a pH around 12 to 12.6 (Highly basic, or alkaline).

Does bleach have acidic values?

Yes, bleach is a basic (alkaline) substance with a high pH value. It is commonly used for disinfecting and whitening due to its strong oxidizing properties.

What is the pH value of household cleaner?

The pH value of household cleaners varies depending on the specific product. However, many household cleaners are alkaline and have a pH value above 7. It is important to check the product label for specific pH information.

Why is the pH of bleach 6?

The pH of bleach is not 6; it is typically around 12-13. Bleach is a strong base, so it has a higher pH value, indicating its alkaline nature.

What has a pH of 11?

A substance with a pH of 11 is considered alkaline, falling on the basic end of the pH scale. Some examples of substances with a pH of 11 include household ammonia, bleach, and some soaps.

If ammonia has an acidic solution of ph12 then how many more acidic solution does household bleach has with a ph13?

Household bleach with a pH of 13 is 10 times more basic (alkaline) than ammonia with a pH of 12. This means household bleach is more alkaline, not acidic. If you're looking at it in terms of acidity, bleach is stronger in terms of being basic while ammonia is stronger in terms of being acidic.