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Q: What is the mount on lush island of kauaiis the wettest place in the world.rainfall there average about 460 inches(38 feet) in a single year.?
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Is Hawaii the wettest place on earth?

No, Hawaii is not the wettest place on earth. The wettest place on earth is Mawsynram in India, which receives the highest average annual rainfall.

What is the wettest place in Russia?

The wettest place in Russia is the village of Tugaye in the Lazo district of the Primorsky Krai region. It receives an average annual precipitation of over 3,000 millimeters, making it one of the wettest places in the country.

Is lloro the wettest place on earth?

No, lloro is not the wettest place on earth. Mawsynram in India holds the title for the wettest place on earth, receiving the highest average annual rainfall.

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The wettest place in South Africa is Matiwa in Limpopo with an average annual rainfall of 2004 mm

What is the wettest place in Africa?

The wettest place in South Africa is Matiwa in Limpopo with an average annual rainfall of 2004 mm

What is average rain fall Wyoming?

The average is 12.97", the 48th wettest state

What is London's wettest month?

The wettest month in London is usually October, with higher average rainfall compared to other months.

What is the wettest country in Asia?

The Eastern Himalayas in India are some of the wettest places on earth. The average annual rainfall there is 405 inches.

Where is the wettest place on earth and how much rain does it get a year?

The wettest place on Earth is Mawsynram, in India. It receives an average annual rainfall of about 467.4 inches (11,871 millimeters), making it the world's wettest place.

Is lloro colombia is the wettest place on earth?

No, Lloro in Colombia is not the wettest place on Earth. Mawsynram in India holds the record for being the wettest place on Earth, receiving the highest average annual rainfall.

Which location in Asia has the highest average annual rainfall?

Mawsynram (mawsynram) in India is not only the wettest place in Asia it is also the wettest place on earth.