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uor question is very cirius ,water is ore important for every live for all.wot can do for use every drop.i think legal action take govt.

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Q: What is the meaning of wastage of water?
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Related questions

What can be done to stop wastage of water?

you can stop wastage of water byusing water bottlestaking shorter showersput cups of water in refrigerator that are not done

Why there should be no water wastage?

because it kills things

What are the uses of water level indicator?

A water level indicator is used to monitor and control the water level in tanks, reservoirs, or other water storage systems. It helps prevent overfilling or running dry, ensuring efficient water usage and avoiding damage to equipment. It is commonly used in industries, homes, agriculture, and water treatment plants.

What is the meaning of water polluition?

it means wastage of water ! Like in home ! When we forget to clso the tap ! Throughing the grabage in rivers lake pounds etc ! Waste materal coming from industries mixed with natural water these r wtr pollution !

What are two ways industries can reduce pollution?

the wastage of industry are not thrown in water

What are some steps taken by the government to conserve water wastage in society?

dont no dude

How both agriculture and industry can reduce wastage of water?

by closing taps while brushing

What is the advantage of NEwater?

It ensures no wastage of water as waste water is recycled. It also helps to reduce Singapore's dependence on other countries for water.

What is solid wastage?

anything that's not liquid wastage.

Why is there a Shortage of water in your community?

There are two reasons for water shortage, one due to wastage, and two over population and not enough pipes.

What is the meaning of use of electricity?

"USE OF ELECTRICITY" means use of water and money, because when we are using more electricity like light, bulbs, tube lights and etc. we all are familiar with this that electricity is made up of water so it a wastage of water and money as well. Because we have to pay the bill as well!

What syllable is stressed in the word wastage?

Wastage is accented on the first syllable.