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white water kayaks tend to be a bit shorter than other boats (excluding play boats (very short)) they may have more padding and seat straps to keep you more secure, and better foot rests as you put a lot of force on them when paddling white water. "white water spec" normally means better foot rests and seats. "creek" boats, for bigger white water (also called Large Volume (lots of water!)) will sometimes be more bolbus behind the paddler, this means the boat will have more volume and will want to float more when it gets pushed under water, this also give more room for storage (first aid, rescue kit etc)

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Q: What is the difference between a white water kayak and other kayaks?
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What is the origin of the kayak?

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What sizes do recreational kayaks come in?

Recreational Kayaks come in all different sizes and it really depends on they type of activity you will be using it for as to what size you choose. Other factors include the size of the person who will be using the Kayak since the cockpit sizes are different accordingly. The best starting point would be to visit a specialist Kayak store and sit in a few of them to get the feel for what would fit you best.

How much does a one person kayak cost?

I assume you are asking about a small recreational kayak, approximately 9' in length. Most retail stores sell these for around $350-$400, and quickly go up from there depending on the size and quality of the kayak.

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Kayaks come in many colors and to a large extent the color you will choose will be dependant on your usage. For example if you are hunting or fishing on your kayak then yo may want to go for a subtle color that will offer you a degree of camoflague. If you are in the ocean or a large lake or you have a child kayaking then a bright color is ideal. The reason for this is that the kayak can easily be spotted by other boat users or from the shore.

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The original purpose of kayaks varies depending on geography. Mainly most cultures used kayaks for hunting and the transport of furs and other goods for trade. Today we use kayaks for fishing and recreation.

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What are kayaks used for?

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