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Dad and him...........................

I venture that "he" is part of the subject of the sentence. Thus, it should be "he" rather than "him".

Conversely, I would say that "Dad and he went rafting." would be wrong, and that it should be "He and Dad went rafting."… but I could not say why definitely. I am thinking that you should put "he" first because it is a pronoun that refers back, and putting "Dad" before it would be confusing.


It should be "Dad and he" went rafting, not "him". As to the order, we tend to put pronouns in front because they're old information, by definition, and older comes before newer. BUT that is only a tendency and one that yields to the actual context of the sentence. Are you talking mostly about "him" or mostly about "Dad", for instance. Either order is grammatically correct.

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Q: What is the correct grammar for the following sentence dad and he went rafting?
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the same : rafting

Are there rafting services providers in Rishikesh?

There are large number of rafting service provider in Risihikesh.You can get list of rafting service providers online.they provides a secure rafting services.

How to Make Rafting Fun For Everyone?

Rafting is a fun activity for the whole family and an activity everyone can participate in and enjoy together. There are many types of rafting such as sea rafting, white water rafting, and rafting in a pool. The most well-known form of rafting, however, is white water rafting.Rafting requires some equipment such as a raft, paddles, a trailer to haul the raft on, life jackets, and helmets. Rafting is popular all over the United States, and is a common activity that people enjoy during the summertime and spring seasons. Rafting is not only an enjoyable activity, but can be used as a means of transportation in the wilderness. However, most people participate in rafting as a hobby and not as a means of transportation.White water rafting is the most popular form of rafting though, and is done in the mountains or in the Grand Canyon. White water rafting is popular in Arizona, New Mexico, Colorado, and California. These states offer a great selection of white water rapids to raft down and are popular among white water rafting enthusiasts.Sea rafting is another form of rafting, however, it is not as popular as white water rafting. Sea rafting is when you a raft and paddle out into the ocean. This is a popular activity among beach communities, and is not as intense as white water rafting, so it is good for beginners. Sea rafting can be dangerous because it is easy to be pulled out into the ocean so it is recommended that you sea raft with another person, preferably one who is experienced in rafting.Rafting in a pool is quite a different experience than white water rafting or sea water rafting, because the intensity is not as high and it is slower paced. Pool rafting is a great activity for young children or the elderly who want to experience the enjoyment of rafting, but do not want to deal with the violent rapids, or the intimidating waves of the ocean. Pool rafting is a good way to introduce someone into the world of rafting without intimidating or scaring the individual.To find out more about rafting do a search on the internet and find out where rafting can be done near your home. Always wear a life jacket and a helmet when rafting.

Do you capitalize white water rafting?

No you don't capitalize white-water rafting. If it was the name of a white-water rafting CENTER, then that is when you capitalilze it.

Who does do river rafting?

There isn't really a specific people who does river rafting, if just depends whether you want to go river rafting or not.

What is the present perfect tense of you went rafting with your cousins?

You have gone rafting with your cousins

What is Blackwater Rafting?

Blackwater Rafting also called Cave Tubing is like whitewater rafting but in caves. It is especially popular in Waitomo, New Zealand.

Where Can One Find White Water Rafting?

You can find white water rafting at any major rafting company that is adjacent to a rushing river or body of water that allows for white water rafting. There are any of these all over the world.

Where is whitewater rafting popular?

Here is a good list of locations you can try checking out 1. Futaleufu River White Water Rafting, Chile 2. Cherry Creek/Upper Tuolumne White Water Rafting, California, U.S.A 3. Zambezi River White Water Rafting, Zimbabwe. 4. Great Bend of the Yangtze River White Water Rafting, China 5. Río Upano White Water Rafting, Ecuador. 6. Magpie River White Water Rafting, Quebec, Canada 7. Karnali River White Water Rafting, Nepal 8. Gauley River White Water Rafting, West Virginia, U.S.A 9. Middle Fork of the Salmon White Water Rafting, Idaho, U.S.A. 10. Victoria Nile White Water Rafting, Uganda

What is disadvantage of rafting tour guide?

The disadvantage of rafting tour guide is the long demanding hours.