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Q: What is the best pool cleaner for a weak pump?
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Vinyl pool when the pump comes on the flow that goes into the pool is not strong like it used to be It's very weak We keep the filter clean all the time Please help Pool is 3 years old.?

Its possible your pump impeller may be clogged. i advise to call a service professional to check this out.

Why does your ford want to stall on acceleration?

Weak fuel pump? Bad fuel filter? Dirty air cleaner? Sloppy timing chain? Computer not responding?

Does a penny get cleaner or dirtier while sitting in a cup of soda?

It gets cleaner because of the weak acid that is in the soda we drink.

What should we call a weak alkali used as household cleaners?

what is the name of a weak alkali household cleaner a weak not so good alkali household cleaner can be Ajax or Mr. Clean floor britener. These tools are made with lots of strong waters and chemical solutions.wish wash it all.

Why does your 1999 Eddie Bauer Ford Expedition jump or sputter while going up a hill or pulling off from a stop?

Bad fuel filter? Weak fuel pump? Dirty air cleaner? Timing chain sloppy?

What causes a hesitation and a popping noise after atert-up on a 1993 ford crown Victoria with a 4.6 liter V8?

clogged fuel filter , weak fuel pump , dirty injectors. try system cleaner first of all.

Can a car be driven with weak oil pump?

Probably not for long. If the engine is deprived of oil, it will seize up and stop running. What kind of car is it and how do you know it has a weak oil pump?

Will weak fuel pump mimic trans problems?

Yes, it can.

Your car idles fine above four grand driving down the road it misfire or sputters sometimes After a bottle of fuel cleaner and a tank of high test gas the problem continues and now the check engine li?

Have vehicle scanned to determine the problem May be a weak fuel pump Plugged fuel filter Dirty air cleaner

3 year old johnny weismuller above ground pool safari model can you sink it in the ground 3 ft?

A lot of people do this. the best way to do it is to simply make the hole as close to the right size as you can, Put the pool in it, fill it, then back fill around the pool with a weak sand cement mix.

What would cause the oil pressure to run low in a 2006 Passat?

Could be worn bearings [cam or main] a weak oil pump pressure relief valve or a weak oil pump

What would keep your well pump from going over 40 psi?

A weak or worn-out pump or leak in the line