

What is the benefit of saline pool?

Updated: 9/17/2023
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14y ago

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Known prevention for cancer and low level hiv viruses. keep safe.

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Q: What is the benefit of saline pool?
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Is it less tiring to swim in a saline pool?

The salt in a saline pool will help you float, so it probably is easier to swim in.

Can you shock a saline treated pool?


What are the consequences of the pool man accidentally adding chlorine to your saline pool?

He should pay to have the pool emptied, cleaned and refilled with the saline. That is what he is responsible for if he made the mistake. The owner could take him to court over it and win.

What causes tiny air bubbles from circulating jets?

If you have a saline purification system on the pool, the tiny bubbles are the hydrogen by-product of the saline process. If the pool is not saline, bubbles must be coming from an air leak pool probably located on the suction side of the pump (leaf trap lid, for example).

Can you add saline to a chlorine pool to clear algae and soften the H2O without totally converting to a saline system?

Yes you can. Start with 1/4 the normal amount that a salt pool would use.

Does saline pool make body hair fall out?

No. No more than swimming in the ocean will.

Is there supposed to be some kind of panel box if you have a salt water pool?

Yes. A Saline System includes a Control Unit (or Power Pack) and an electrolytic 'cell' as well as the salt (which goes into the pool water). You can learn all about the saline system at Ross Townsend

Is a saline pool ok for ducklings?

It wont hurt them the concentration of salt in a saline pool is about the same as that in tears which is very low. besides there are a lot of places where ducks swim in sea water or brackish water any way. My brother dog drinks his water exlusively from the salt swimming pool and has gotten quite old so far.

What are the consequences converting your saline pool to chlorine?

You shouldn't have a problem. You will have to check and maintain the chlorine level at least weekly.

Was a cost benefit analysis done before the public swimming pool was built?

A cost benefit analysis would be completed before construction of a swimming pool began. This would be done to see if the positives of the pool are worth it.

Does swimming make your hair dry?

Yes, the chlorine in pools dries out your hair. Try swimming in a saline pool or out in the ocean.

How does saline swimming pool water effect a swimmer's health?

I have a salt water pool. My skin does not feel dried out after drying off like in a regular Chlorine pool. I cannot say scientifically it is better but my skin and hair feel better