

What is flooding water?

Updated: 9/27/2023
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14y ago

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flood water is just when it rains for such a long time and the ground can't soak up the need water to matain the flood water

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it is a water flood that make the road flood.

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Is flood water mainly fresh water?

It depends on where the flooding is. If it is near the ocean and the flooding is from the ocean, then it would be salt water, If the flooding is from rainwater, It would be freshwater.

What is the difference between pluvial and fluvial flooding?

Pluvial flooding happens when rainfall exceeds the ground's ability to absorb it, leading to surface water accumulation. Fluvial flooding, on the other hand, occurs when rivers or streams overflow their banks due to excessive rainfall or snowmelt.

Why flooding is good for farmers?

Flooding is good for farmers because farmers like water.

What areas are in danger of flooding?

Low-laying areas close to water are at risk of flooding

What does the water cycle have?

Rain and Flooding

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What can increase flooding?

more water

What is the difference between fluvial flooding and coastal flooding?

Fluvial flooding is - Produced by the action of a river or stream. Coastal flooding is - An overflowing of water onto land that is normally dry.

How can marshlands prevent flooding?

Marshlands can prevent flooding by acting as natural sponges, absorbing excess water during heavy rains or storm surges. The vegetation in marshlands helps to slow down the flow of water, reducing the speed and volume of floodwaters. Additionally, marshlands can provide a buffer zone that helps protect inland areas from flooding by absorbing and storing water.

How does a marshland prevent flooding in a nearby town?

Marshlands act as natural sponges by absorbing excess rainfall and slowing down the flow of water, thus reducing the risk of flooding in nearby towns. The marsh plants, like reeds and grasses, help to stabilize soil and reduce erosion, further aiding in flood prevention. Additionally, marshlands provide a natural buffer that can store excess water during heavy rainfall events, helping to regulate water levels and reduce the impact of flooding on surrounding areas.

What causes flooding in general?

In gereral, flooding accurs when the clouds in the sky, which are made up of condesation water, gets to heavy and precipitation water pours out. The more clouds, the more rain, the more flooding.

What problemes does the water cycle have?

Rain and Flooding